Invisalign is a custom-made, most advanced clear aligner system that gradually helps shift your teeth to a proper position without disrupting your lifestyle. Up until very recently, people have had to choose between painful metal braces and crooked smiles; but with Invisalign, your treatment is not even visible. It takes only a few months for your teeth to be aligned in a perfect arch and for you to be able to smile without any inhibitions.

Misaligned teeth can lead to premature wear of your teeth apart from tooth loss, gum disease, and building up of bacteria associated with bigger problems including heart diseases. Straight teeth are healthier teeth and last longer.

Benefits of having straight teeth

  • Improved oral hygiene
  • Reduced trauma and wear
  • Healthier gums

Invisalign helps you to successfully fix

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Crowding or gaps in your teeth
  • Underbites and overbites
  • Openbite and crossbite
  • Helps widen narrow arches, which in turn helps the airway

Why Invisalign is nothing like the traditional braces?

Removable: The aligners can be removed to eat, brush, and floss your teeth

Invisible: Since the aligners are made of clear, medical-grade plastic, they are hardly visible

No change in lifestyle: Being removable, Invisalign aligners allow you to eat or drink as you please.

Reduces tooth decay: Unlike traditional braces that are very difficult to clean as the food keeps getting stuck in them, with the Invisalign aligner, it is easy to clean and floss your teeth. Hence, with better oral hygiene you become less prone to decay and gum diseases

You are just an appointment away from having your dream smile!